How to Delete Cookies From Web Browsers

Web cookies are normally a small files used by a browser to store user session and information related to a specific website. These little files contain valuable data such as login information, user interaction to a site and preferences to be used for later retrievals. Cookies are not harmful at all but hackers may use these information for the malicious purposes. So making your privacy as the first priority you should delete your browser cookies on regular intervals.

Why Do You Need to Delete the Cookies From your Web Browser?

The best advantage to retain the cookies is that, you don’t need to enter your username and password while logging to your favorite site. They also provides you a better browsing experience by loading things fast comparatively to a new site.

However, cookies always track your internet activity online and store important personal data that mostly users do not like to be stored. You may also face trouble visiting your favorite site if it’s gone through a major user interface change. So clearing cookies is relatively a better idea for flawless and enjoyable browsing experience.

Most of the web browser provide full access to the user data and to make necessary changes as per their personal preferences. So you got the choice to either delete whole the cookies on your device or for a particular site. We will provide you the complete guide on how to do this on all major web browsers.

How to delete cookies on Chrome Browser

1. Click on the chrome browser menu icon (three-vertical-dot) on the upper right corner of your chrome open tab. Click on history button as shown in this screen below. You can also use shortcut keys to open the history just type (CTRL +H) from your keyboard while in the open chrome windows.

2. From the left side corner of the chrome browser click on “Clear browsing data,” a new screen will pops up. The first thing you can select is the time range between Last hour to All time. Use the drop down arrow key to select your preferences. In my case I selected All time look at the screenshot.

3. In the next step make sure to choose the right option. Do you only want to delete cookies and site cache or also the browsing data as well? Check the required option e.g (cookies & site data, cached images and files), for more information check out the screenshot below.

Once done click on the clear data button and you are all set.

Mozilla Firefox

Please follow detail step by step guide to delete cookies from Firefox browser.

  • From your Firefox open windows click on the menu icon and then options a new tab will opens up. From this tab select Privacy & Security on the upper left corner as shown in the screenshot.
  • Scroll down to the Cookies and Site Data section of your Firefox browser. Here you can see detail regarding cookies and site data also the device space consumed by the both.
  • Now click on Clear Data… option a new box will open containing the further details. Check both the option in front of (Cookies and Site Data) and Cached Web Content once selected click on Clear button.

Firefox comes with more customisation option, such as if you want the cookies and site data to be clear automatically every time you close your Firefox window then check this option as shown in the screenshot.

In the Manage Data option you can find cookies and site data individually against each site you have visited and delete them separately. Another cool option in Firefox is Manage Permission that enable you to block cookies from a specific site.

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is a modern and lightweight web browser that came as windows 10 Default web browser. Here is the complete guide to clear cookies and site data in Microsoft Edge with screenshots.

  • First of all click on the menu icon from the open browser window. From the drop down list click on History and then Clear History option, a new list will pops up.
  • Under Clear browsing data menu check the required option (cookies and saved website data). For further detail see the screenshot below.
  • After choosing the required options just click on Clear button.

Internet Explorer

  • In order to delete cookies in Internet Explorer web browser click on the Setting icon on the upper right corner and then select internet option.
  • Make sure you are in the General tab and click on delete button under the browsing history section check out the screenshot for detail.
  • Now select the required option/checkbox, usually its temporary internet files with cookies and site data. After making your selection click on the delete button.

Please feel free to comment if you need any further assistant to delete your browser cookies.

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